Forex Preise Andhra Bank

Forex Services in Indien - Kaufen Sie Forex oder senden Sie Geld im Ausland Wenn Sie ins Ausland reisen, können Sie unsere forex Produkte amp Dienstleistungen, die Ihnen eine richtige Mischung aus Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Sicherheit. Wir bieten auch eine bequeme und sichere Art und Weise, um Ihr Geld im Ausland an Ihre Freunde und Familie durch unsere Online-Überweisung Dienstleistungen zu übertragen. So lehnen Sie sich zurück und entspannen, denn jetzt können Sie Forex kaufen oder Geld ins Ausland sofort senden. Eine Karte kann mit 15 großen globalen Währungen geladen werden - USD, EURO, GBP, CAD, AUD, CHF, JPY, SGD, AED, SEK, ZAR, SAR, THB, NZD und HKD Einrichtung der entfernten Neuaufladung während Sie ins Ausland reisen Und Pin-fähige Karte für erhöhte Sicherheit Echtzeit-SMS und E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für jede Transaktion Währungsangaben in verschiedenen Stückelungen können von Reisenden getragen werden, um geringfügige Ausgaben zu erfüllen Angeboten in 14 Währungen USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, CHF, JPY, AED, SGD, HKD, QAR, SAR, THB und KWD Währungsangaben in verschiedenen Stückelungen können von Reisenden getragen werden, um geringfügige Ausgaben zu erfüllen Angeboten in 14 Währungen USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, CHF, JPY, AED, SGD, HKD , QAR, SAR, THB und KWD Senden Sie Geld im Ausland Senden Sie Geld im Ausland Für Hilfe, fordern Sie einen Rückruf an Unser Outbound-Calling ist nur auf Indien beschränkt. Für Rückfragen rufen Sie uns bitte an unseren Customer Care oder unsere 24x7 internationalen Nummern. Überweisen Sie Geld über den Globus durch Wire Transfer oder Foreign Currency Demand Draft Einfache, zuverlässige und schnelle Weg, um Geld außerhalb von Indien Angeboten in 16 Währungen: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, SGD, JPY, CHF, SEK, DKK, NOK , AED, HKD, QAR, SAR und NZD Übertragen Sie online jederzeit und überall Resident ICICI Bank Kontoinhaber können die Registerkarte Fund Transfer Abroad im eingeloggten Bereich auswählen, klicken Sie hier, um fortzufahren. Überweisen Sie Geld über den Globus durch Wire Transfer oder Foreign Currency Demand Draft Einfache, zuverlässige und schnelle Weg, um Geld außerhalb von Indien Angeboten in 16 Währungen: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, SGD, JPY, CHF, SEK, DKK, NOK , AED, HKD, QAR, SAR und NZD Übertragen Sie online jederzeit und überall Resident ICICI Bank Kontoinhaber können die Registerkarte Fund Transfer Abroad im eingeloggten Bereich auswählen, klicken Sie hier, um fortzufahren. Für Rückfragen, rufen Sie uns an. Unser Outbound-Calling ist nur auf Indien beschränkt. Für Rückfragen rufen Sie uns bitte an unseren Customer Care oder unsere 24x7 internationalen Nummern. Wie Sie Forex Online kaufen: Kaufen Sie Forex Online und erhalten Sie Haustürlieferung. Klicken Sie hier, um weitere iMobile App zu erfahren: Sie können jetzt Service-Anfrage auf forex-Dienste auf ICICI Bank iMobile app anbieten. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu erfahren. Forex Filialen: Um Forex von unseren Filialen zu kaufen, klicken Sie hier und suchen Sie unsere Forex Filialen. SMS: Forex kaufen, SMS FOREX zu 5676766. Internet Banking Erkunden Sie die Macht der einfacheren und intelligenteren Banken. Bank Online mit über 250 Services Mobile Banking Bank unterwegs mit unseren Mobile Banking Services. Laden Sie die App herunter oder verwenden Sie SMS-Taschen von ICICI Bank VISA powered Universal Zahlbörse. Download heute Finden Sie die ATMBranch Bank 247 über ein weit verbreitetes Netzwerk von mehr als 4.501 Filialen und 14.146 ATMsAndhra Bank Directors Ihrer Bank sind glücklich, den Geschäftsbericht der Bank zusammen mit der geprüften Bilanz - und Konzernabschlussprüfung vorzustellen. 39 Bericht für das am 31. März 2009 abgeschlossene Geschäftsjahr. 2016 MANAGEMENT39S DISKUSSION AMP-ANALYSE 1.1. MAKRO-WIRTSCHAFTLICHE ENTWICKLUNGEN Die globale Wirtschaftstätigkeit verlangsamte sich während des GJ 2015821116, in allen Volkswirtschaften, mit wenigen Ausnahmen. Das träge globale Wachstum hat das Wachstum der indischen Wirtschaft und die daraus resultierende Investitions - und Kreditnachfrage beeinflusst. Die Schätzungen des BIP, die das Zentrale Statistische Amt (CSO) vor kurzem veröffentlichte, betragen die Wachstumsrate des BIP zu konstanten Marktpreisen im Jahr 2015821116 bei 7,6%, vor allem, weil sich die privaten Konsumausgaben beschleunigt haben. In GVA-Bedingungen: Das Wachstum des Agrarsektors verbesserte sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum von 82110,2% im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 15%. Die Industrie hat in erster Linie aufgrund der Beschleunigung der Fertigung (7,4 vis8211a8211vis 5,9 in 15%) eine deutliche Verbesserung erfahren. Inzwischen hat sich das Wachstum des Dienstleistungssektors auf 8,9 von 10,3 auf 15 reduziert. FY 2015821116 begann stark positiv, aber die hohen Erwartungen wurden im Laufe des Jahres moderiert, um die globalen Entwicklungen und das Tempo der innenpolitischen Maßnahmen zu verfolgen. In Summe hat die Erholung der Wirtschaftstätigkeit und des Investitionszyklus im GJ 2015821116 begonnen, aber die vollen Auswirkungen auf die Produktion sind die Erwartungen. 1.2 Geld - und Liquiditätsbedingungen Während des Geschäftsjahres 2015821116 blieb die Geldpolitik weiterhin akkommodierend. Unter Ausschluss vorübergehender Perioden von Überschüssen verschärften sich die Liquiditätsbedingungen in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres, die ab Mitte des zweiten Halbjahres beginnt. Die durchschnittliche CPI-Inflationsrate ist auf 4,9 während des Geschäftsjahres 2015821116 von 5,9 im Geschäftsjahr 2014821115 gesunken. Der RBI hat die Repo-Raten um 75 Basispunkte zwischen April 2015 und März 2016 reduziert. 1.3 BoP und externer Sektor Die externe Position erscheint robust. Das Leistungsbilanzdefizit liegt auf einem guten Niveau bei 1,4 des BIP. Es gab eine Ausweitung auf Devisenreserven, wobei ihr Niveau auf US 355,6 Mrd. wie am 25. März 2016, was etwa 10 Monate der Einfuhren entspricht. Indien war gut positioniert, um die Volatilität zu absorbieren. Obwohl die Rupie gegen den Dollar gesunken ist, hat sie sich gegen die Währungen ihrer anderen Handelspartner gestärkt. 1.4 Aktienmärkte Während der 2015 8211 16 sind die Ressourcen, die durch den Primärmarkt gehandelt werden, gestiegen. 108 Unternehmen haben den Kapitalmarkt im Vergleich zu 88 Emissionen im vergangenen Jahr zugegriffen. Unter den öffentlichen Themen gab es 74 IPOs und 21 öffentliche Schulden Probleme. Im Jahresverlauf haben sich die Gewinne aus dem Sekundärmarkt gegenüber dem Vorjahr moderiert. Die BSE-Sensex-Rendite ist auf 82116,2 gesunken, verglichen mit 24,9 registrierten im letzten Jahr. 1.5 Anleihenmärkte Die Benchmark-Rendite von 108211yr ergab sich während des Geschäftsjahres 2015821116, der durchschnittliche Renditeabstand auf 7,8 im Geschäftsjahr 15821116 von 8,3 im FJ 14821115. Die Renditen von G8211Secs begannen, vor dem geldpolitischen Lockerungszyklus zu lindern, bauten sich aber in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2015821116 auf Nach der Ankündigung des Unionshaushalts sanken die Erträge jedoch bis März 3916 stetig auf 7,6. 1.6 Entwicklung des Bankensektors Das Bankgeschäft stagnierte während des FY 2015821116. Trotz eines höheren Realzinses der Einlagen ist das Wachstum der Einlagen bei All Scheduled Commercial Banks mit 9,9 im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum leicht rückläufig. Das Kreditwachstum stieg allmählich in der zweiten Jahreshälfte an und führte zu einer Reduzierung der Repo-Raten durch das RBI und zu entsprechenden Senkungen der Leitzinsen durch die Banken. Das Gesamtkreditwachstum für die FY 2015shy16 betrug 11,3 im Vergleich zu 9,0 im Geschäftsjahr 2014821115. 2. PERFORMANCE-HIGHLIGHTS DER BANK Für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. März 2016 stand die Andhra Bank39s Business bei Rs. 3,10,673 Aufzeichnung einer Zunahme von Rs. 26085 Crore von Rs.2,84,588 Crore am 31.03.2015 mit einer Wachstumsrate von 9,2 (y8211o8211y). Die Gesamtsumme der Andhra Bank39 lag bei Rs. 174302 Crore, wie am 31.03.2016, ein inkrementelles Wachstum von Rs 19290 Crore (12,4) gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Der Anteil der CASA-Einlagen (laufende und gesicherte Einlagen) an den Gesamtdepotenzialen lag am 26.08. Die laufenden Einlagen standen bei Rs. 7541 Crore am 31.03.2016 im Vergleich zu Rs. 9706 Crore, wie am 31.03.2015. Die Spareinlagen erhöhten sich auf Rs 37924 Crore per 31.03.2016, von Rs. 32696 Crore wie am 31.03.2015, wächst mit einer Rate von 16. Term Deposits stieg von Rs. 112610 Crore wie am 31.03.2015 an Rs. 128828 Crore, wie am 31.03.2016, mit einer Wachstumsrate von 14,4. Gross Bank Credit stieg um 5,2 von Rs. 129576 Crore wie am 31.03.2015 an Rs. 136371 Crore wie am 31.03.2016. Die Kredite an den Agrarsektor (inkl. RIDF amp non priority) standen bei Rs. 24679 Crore zum 31.03.2016 gegen Rs. 20338 Crore am 31.03.2015 mit einer Wachstumsrate von 21,3. Guthaben an Kleinst - und Kleinbetriebe (MSME) von Rs. 20258 Crore wie am 31.03.2015 an Rs. 23278 Crore wie am 31.03.2016 eine Wachstumsrate von 14,9 registriert. 2.4.1 Gesamtergebnis für das Geschäftsjahr 2015821116 stieg um 7,4 von Rs.17.868 Crore im Geschäftsjahr 2014821115 auf Rs. 19,199 Crore. Non8211Interest Das Ergebnis erhöhte sich auf Rs. 1.564 Crore im Vergleich zu Rs. 1.499 Crore im Vorjahr. Der operative Gewinn der Bank stieg auf Rs.3,960 Crore im Vergleich zu Rs. 3,298 Crore im Vorjahr mit einer Wachstumsrate von 20,1. Der Nettogewinn lag bei Rs. 540 Crore für das Geschäftsjahr 2015821116. 2.4.2 Das Gesamtzinsergebnis verzeichnete ein Wachstum von 7,7 und stieg von Rs. 16,369 Crore während 2014821115 zu Rs. 17,635 Crore während 2015821116. Davon stiegen die Zinserträge aus den Advances um 5,7 von Rs. 12,742 Crore während 2014821115 bis Rs. 13.467 Crore während 2015821116. Zinserträge aus Kapitalanlagen stiegen um 10,5 von Rs.3509 Crore während 2014shy15 und standen bei Rs.3876 Crore während 2015821116. 2.4.3 Von insgesamt Non-Zinserträge, gebührenbasiertes Einkommen für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. März. 2016 stand bei Rs.158 Crore. 2.4.4 Gesamtaufwendungen während des Geschäftsjahres 2015821116 waren Rs.15.239 Crore gegen Rs. 14.570 Crore während des Vorjahres. Hiervon entfielen die Betriebsaufwendungen auf Rs. 2925 Crore. Gründung Die Ausgaben in Prozent der Gesamtausgaben betrugen 11,38 Euro für das am 31.03.2016 abgeschlossene Haushaltsjahr. Die Mittel des Nettogewinns sind in Tabelle 2 dargestellt. 134,96 Crore wurde während der Jahre 2015821116 in die gesetzlichen Rücklagen überführt und damit die gesetzlichen Reserven bei Rs. 2751,91 Crore. Die Übertragung auf Dividenden (einschließlich Dividendensteuer) betrug Rs. 41.43 Crore.5 JAHRESFINANZRATIOS Die Bank hat in den Finanzkennzahlen, angesichts der Entwicklung der Industrie insgesamt, eine beachtliche Erfolgsquote erzielt. Die Nettozinsspanne (NIM) lag bei 3,18 im Vergleich zu 3,00 im Vorjahr. Cost-Income Ratio lag bei 42,49 gegenüber 45,37 im Vorjahr. Das Ergebnis je Aktie (EPS) belief sich auf Rs.8,60 und der Buchwert je Anteil (BVPS) betrug Rs.150,68. 2.7 KAPITALANLEITUNG Gemäß den Richtlinien der Reserve Bank of India ist der Starttermin für die Umsetzung der Basel-III-Richtlinien in Indien w. e.f. 1. April 2013. Dementsprechend wird w. e.f. Am 1. April 2013 prüft die Bank ihre Eigenkapitalausstattung gemäß Basel III-Vorschriften. Die Gesamtkapitalwerte der Bank betragen Rs.15732,74 am 31. März 2016 und das Kapitaladäquanzverhältnis bei 11,58 liegt über der vorgeschriebenen RBI-Vorschrift von 9,625. 3. GESCHÄFTSÜBERSICHT Das Gesamtgeschäft (Gesamtsumme plus Grossbankkredit) der Bank verzeichnete eine Zuwachsrate von 9,2, von Rs.284588 Crore zum 31.03.2015 auf Rs. 310673 Crore, wie am 31.03.2016. 3.1 Aggregierte Einlagen Die aggregierten Einlagen (ohne inter8211-Bankguthaben) stiegen von Rs.154974 Crore am 31.03.2015 auf Rs.174233 Crore am 31.03.2016, was einer Zuwachsrate von 12,4 entspricht. Aggregierte Einlagen, bestehend aus laufenden Einlagen von Rs. 7482 Crore, Spareinlagen von Rs. 37924 Crore und Termineinlagen von Rs. Cr. 3.2 Bruttobank Für das am 31.03.2016 endende Geschäftsjahr verzeichnete die Bank im Vergleich zum Vorjahr eine Wachstumsrate von 5,2 Mrd. EUR. 6794 Crore während des Jahres, zu erreichen Rs. 136371 Crore im Vergleich zu Rs.129576 Crore für das Geschäftsjahr endend am 31.03.2015 3.2.1 Priorität Sektor Kreditvergabe Priorität Sektor Fortschritte der Bank standen bei Rs. 54.545 Cr (einschließlich Rs.416 Cr unter RIDF und anderen Fonds) am Ende März 2016, die Registrierung ein y8211o8211y Wachstum von 21,31 und absolute Erhöhung von Rs.9585 Cr. Gegenüber der gesetzlichen Anforderung von 40 ANBC verzeichnete die Bank 41,88 unter dem Prioritätssektor am 31.03.2016 Kredit an die Landwirtschaft Die gesamte landwirtschaftliche (vorrangige) Kreditvergabe der Bank lag Ende März 2016 bei Rs.24.080 Cr, Die förderfähige Investitionen unter RIDF von Rs.306 Cr beinhaltet. Gegen die gesetzliche Anforderung von 18 ANBC hat die Bank 18.49 Uhr per 31.03.2016 erreicht. Darlehen an Selbsthilfegruppen (SHGs) Die Bank hat 239133 Selbsthilfegruppen mit einer Gesamtbeteiligung von Rs.5.376 Cr am 31.03.2016 finanziell unterstützt. 3.2.2 Kredite an Kleinstbetriebe (MSE) Die Gesamtzahl der Vorschüsse zu Kleinstverstärkern der Kleinstunternehmen der Bank lag bei Rs.20.988,48 Crores Ende März3916 und verzeichnete ein Wachstum von 21,79 Y8211o8211y. Das absolute Wachstum während des Zeitraums ist Rs.3033 Crores. 3.2.3 Guthaben an schwächere Abschnitte Die Vorschüsse an schwächere Abschnitte lagen bei Rs.16.054 Crores, dh 12.33 ANBC gegenüber der Norm von 10. 3.2.4 Guthaben an Minderheiten Die Gesamtzahl der Kredite an Minderheitsgemeinschaften betrug Rs..4983 Crores, dh 11,08 des Prioritätssektors Vorschüsse gegenüber der Regel von 15 Jahren. 3.2.5 Kredit an Frauen Die Gesamtzahl der Kredite, die an die Begünstigten der Frauen ausgezahlt wurden, betrug Rs.16.203 Crores, dh 11.88 von Net Bank Credit gegen die Norm von 5. 3.2.6 NPA im Rahmen der Landwirtschaft Aus Gesamtinvestitionen von Rs .24679 Cr (einschliesslich Agri8211Nichtpriorität) wie am 31.03.2016, NPA unter Landwirtschaft ist Rs.1094,83 Cr ie 4.44 der Brutto NPA gegenüber 5.29 des Brutto NPA wie am 31.03.2015 3.2.7 Andhra Bank Ländliche Entwicklung Vertrauen: Andhra Bank Rural Development Trust arbeitet 13 Rural Self Employment Training Institute in AP (9), Telangana (1), in Odisha (2), in Kerala (1) sowie in der Vermittlung von bedarfsorientierten Schulungen für die Entwicklung von Kapazitäten und die Weitergabe von Wissen an Landwirte, Ländliche Arbeitslose Jugend und Handwerker. Seit der Gründung wurden 148947 Kandidaten durch 5049 Programme von den Instituten ausgebildet und etwa 79 der ausgebildeten Kandidaten sind in erwerbsfähige Ventures engagiert. Im Laufe des Jahres vermittelten die Institute 11023 Kandidaten mit 447 Schulungen. Alle unsere elf RSETI (2 RSETIs wurden vor kurzem eröffnet) wurden mit dem höchsten Rating AA vom Ministerium für ländliche Entwicklung, Regierung von Indien für das Jahr 2014821115 vergeben. 3.2.8 Finanzpädagogik und Credit Counseling Centers Die Bank hat Jana Chetana Financial Literacy und Credit gegründet Beratungs-Vertrauen und die Durchführung von sechs Financial Literacy-Zentren in allen Lead-Distrikte. Bank ist in den Prozess der Eröffnung weiterer 25 FLC-Zentren an verschiedenen Orten in A. P. Diese Zentren sind die Förderung der finanziellen Kompetenz Aktivitäten durch Kampagnen-Modus und bietet Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit Erweiterung Dienstleistungen. Alle unsere ländlichen Zweige und RSETIs organisieren in den Dörfern finanzielle Alphabetisierungszentren, indem sie die Dienste lokaler Künstler-Zauberer nutzen und Kala Jataras organisieren. 3.2.9 Besuche des Dorfes: Die Bank hat am Mittwoch nach dem Rat von SLBC, AP, am Dienstag, dem Mittwoch in Andhra Pradesh, 39.00 Uhr besucht (Palle Bata). Alle RuralSemi8211urban-Niederlassungen mit Service-Bereich Dörfer müssen die Dörfer an jedem Mittwoch und UrbanMetroNewly eröffnet Filialen, ohne Service-Bereich zu haben, haben 39Customer Meet39 auf Filiale führen. Jetzt wird es im ganzen Land in der Andhra Bank umgesetzt. Dieses Programm wird von allen Filialen umgesetzt, um ihre 39CONNECT39 mit der Zielgruppe zu verbessern. 3.3 Guthaben an MSME Sektor Wie am 31.03.2016 216094 MUDRA Darlehen sanktioniert und eine Menge von Rs. 1569,36 crores wird ausgezahlt. In Anbetracht der Bedeutung des MSME-Sektors in der Wirtschaft hat unsere Bank Folgendes eingeführt: 25 des bewerteten Umsatzes können als Betriebskapitalgrenze nach Umsatzmethode bis Rs zugelassen werden. 6,00 crores anstelle der vorhandenen 20 des projizierten Umsatzes. ABHIVRUDHI Scheme Finanzierung für MSEs (Kleinst - und Kleinunternehmen) bis Rs. 3.00 crore gegen Eigentum, bei dem die Bewertung der Kreditlimiten vereinfacht und der Erhalt von CMA-Daten verzichtet wird. Um die Turnaround Time (TAT) abzubauen, hat unsere Bank SMExpress für die zentralisierte Verarbeitung von MSME-Vorschlägen in acht Orten eingerichtet, d. H. In Hyderabad, Chennai, Pune, Coimbatore, Visakhapatnam, Guntur Bangalore und Hyderabad. In den Staaten Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Punjab und Chattisgarh gibt es 19 spezialisierte MSME-Filialen, die das potenzielle Geschäft im MSME-Sektor erschließen. 24.428 crore zum 31.03.2016 gegenüber rs.19846 crores per 31.03.2015 mit einem jahreswachstum von rs.4582 crs. Das Segment hat ein Wachstum von 23 auf YOY Basis einschließlich Einlagendarlehen und Kreditkarte registriert. Das Wohnungsbaudarlehen stieg von Rs 9688 Crs per 31.03.2015 auf Rs.11.811 Crs per 31.03.2016 mit einem absoluten Wachstum von Rs 2123 crs, der eine Wachstumsrate von 22 registriert. Das Fahrzeugkreditportfolio ist von Rs 819 Crs per 31.03 gestiegen .2015 bis Rs.1046 Crs wie am 31.03.2016 mit einem absoluten Wachstum von Rs 227 crs registriert eine Wachstumsrate von 28. Das Bildungskreditportfolio ist von Rs.1831 Crores auf 31.03.2015 zu Rs.2234 Crores wie am 31.03 erhöht. 2016 mit einem absoluten Wachstum von Rs.403 Crores, das eine Wachstumsrate von 22 Darlehen gegen Eigentum (Hypothekendarlehen) Portfolio registriert, ist von Rs.331 Crores wie am 31.03.2015 zu Rs.1027 Crores wie am 31.03.2016 mit absolutem Wachstum von Rs gestiegen .696 Crores, die eine Wachstumsrate von 210 registriert. Die Bank hat von 14.09.2015 bis 30.06.2016 Bearbeitungsgebühren für Wohnungsbaudarlehen und Fahrzeugkredite aufgegeben. Bank hat reduzierten Zinssatz für Darlehen gegen Eigentum (Hypothekendarlehen) Portfolio von 12,90 p. a bis 12,15 p. a. In Bezug auf RBI-Richtlinien ist die Bank verpflichtet, in SLR-Wertpapiere im Umfang von 21,50 NDTL zu investieren. Die Investitionsentscheidungen der Banken beruhen auf dem Risiko8211Rückzug und die Bank verfolgt genau die regulatorischen und internen Richtlinien. Die gesetzlichen Vorschriften über die Barreservequote (KRR) und die gesetzliche Liquiditätsquote (SLR) werden eingehalten und kontinuierlich überwacht. Das Risikomanagement im Treasury-Geschäft wurde durch die Durchführung von Stresstests und Backtests des Anlageportfolios in vierteljährlichen Abständen verstärkt, neben der täglichen Überwachung von Duration und Value8211at8211Risk (VaR). Auch die externe Ratingmigration des Anleihe - und Schuldverschreibungsportfolios wird quartalsweise überwacht. Die Investitionen (ohne Abschreibungen) stiegen am 31.03.2016 um 15,84 und stiegen auf Rs.53864,19 Crore, von Rs. 46499.43 Crore wie am 31.03.2015. SLR gehalten am 31.03.2016 war Rs. 45623,95 Crore, die 25,41 der Netto-Nachfrage und Zeit Verbindlichkeiten (NDTL). Zinserträge aus Kapitalanlagen stiegen von Rs. 3508.55 Crore in 2014821115 zu Rs. 3875,86 Crore in 2015821116. Der Gewinn aus dem Verkauf von Beteiligungen stand bei Rs. 230.55 Crore während 2015821116, während es war Rs.374.07 Crore während 2014821115. 4.1 Strategische Investitionen 4.1.1 Joint-Venture-Versicherung Unsere Bank ist mit Joint Venture in der Versicherung mit der Bank von Baroda und Legal und General Plc von Großbritannien getauft Indien First Life Insurance Co. Ltd Unsere Beteiligung an der Venture ist 30, während Bank of Baroda 44 hält und Legal und General Plc hält 26 Stange. Beide Banken haben den Verkauf von Versicherungen durch ihre Filialen begonnen. Unsere Investition in die Lebensversicherung Venture ist Rs. 187,50 Crore. 4.1.2 Banken-Tochtergesellschaft in Malaysia Die Bank hat zusammen mit der Bank of Baroda und der indischen Overseas Bank eine Verbindung zur Gründung einer Banken-Tochtergesellschaft in Malaysia geschlossen. Die Beteiligung der Bank an diesem Unternehmen beläuft sich auf RM 82,50 Million (Buchwert Rs. 143,28 Crore) in einem Gesamtkapital von RM 330 Million (ungefähr Rs.559,35 Crore 1 RM Rs. 16,9500 per 31.03.2016). Das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen vz. INDIAINTERNATIONAL BANK (MALAYSIA) BHD hat am 11.07.2012 ihre Geschäftstätigkeit aufgenommen. Die Joint-Venture-Bank hat ein Unternehmen von Rs 328,58 Crore am Ende des 31.12.2015. 4.1.3 Bombay Stock Exchange Vereinte Stock Exchange von Indien Ltd, die von einem Konsortium von Banken, Canara Bank, Bank von Baroda, Allahabad Bank, Bank of India, indischen Overseas Bank und Oriental Bank of Commerce, dessen unsere Bank ist auch gefördert wurde Partner. Die Bank39s Investition in der Vereinigten Börse von Indien Ltd. ist. 3 Crore. Im Laufe des Jahres ist USE mit der Bombay Stock Exchange zusammengelegt und wir wurden 77922 Aktien von bSe mit einem Face Value von zugeteilt. 1 pro Aktie Rs 385 pro Aktie in Höhe von Rs 3 crore. 4.1.4 Metaxolitan Stock Exchange von Indien Ltd. (MCX Stock Exchange Ltd.) Die Bank investiert in das Eigenkapital von MSEI Rs 25 Crore. Die Börse begann den Handel mit Aktien und Aktienderivaten vom 11.Februar 2013. 4.2 Treasury amp Forex Business Die Bank ist ein 39Authorized Dealer39, um im Devisengeschäft über 56 ausgewiesenen B-Filialen der Bank zu handeln. Die Bank hat Geschwindigkeit Überweisungsvereinbarungen mit zwei Exchange Houses mit Sitz in Gulf. Sys sind für die Verwaltung der Länderrisiko, Austausch eingerichtet worden Risiko - und sonstige Fremdwährungsrisiken Die Länderrisikopositionen für die Länderrisikolimite und die Gesamtrisikolimite für die Ländergruppe unter jeder Risikokategorie sind fixiert und werden täglich überwacht. Im Geschäftsjahr 2015821116 verzeichnete die Bank einen Handelsumsatz Von Rs 34.059.08 Crore in Forex. Die Bank erzielte Inter8211Bank Umsatz von Rs 4,94.560,91 Crore am 31.03.2016 im Vergleich zu Rs 4.83.250,08 Crore am 31.03.2015.Die Export-Finanzierung der Bank stand bei Rs 4467.02 crore zum 31.03. 2016. 5. CREDIT CARD BUSINESS Unsere Bank ist seit 1981 ein Pionier im Kreditkartengeschäft, sowohl als Emittentin als auch als Acquirer (Merchant Business). Ausgenommen SBI, unter anderen öffentlichen Banken, ist unsere Bank mit dem großen Marktanteil im Kreditkartengeschäft Gestartete Beschwerde-Tracking-System durch FINACLE-Menü für schnelle Wiedergutmachung der Karteninhaber Beschwerden. Wir haben EMI-Anlage zu unseren Karteninhabern eingeführt WIR haben jetzt Application Processing-Software in FINACLE für die Sanktion der Kreditkarte unter HCCDAPP Menü gestartet. Alle Zweig-Köpfe werden mit Befugnissen delegiert, um Kartenlimit bis zu Rs.1.00 lakh zu sanktionieren. Dies ist eine historische Entwicklung, bei der die Karte innerhalb von 5 Tagen an den Antragsteller ausgeliefert werden kann. SMS-basierte Dienste 8211 9 Arten von Karteninhabern Anforderungen sind aktiviert. MERCHANT BANKING DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Ein Anteilseigner und eine Investor Relations Section arbeiten als Teil der Division. Die Bank hat im Geschäftsjahr 2015821116 9 Beschwerden und 6553 Anträge erhalten. Alle Beschwerden und Anträge wurden von der Bank zurückgenommen. Die Bank hat Rs.500,00 Crores durch Ausgabe von 8,58 8211 10 Jahren Basel8211III konforme Tier8211II Anleihen (Series8211A) und Rs.500,00 Crores durch die Ausgabe von 8,63 8211 10 Jahren Basel8211III gefälligen Tier8211II Anleihen (Series8211B) auf Privatplatzierung Basis durch Bieten Route zu erweitern erhöht Das Kapital und das Gesamtkapital der Bank zur Stärkung der Kapitaladäquanz gemäß den Anforderungen des Basel8211III und zur Verbesserung der langfristigen Ressourcen. Die Bank hat auch Rs.800 Crores durch die Ausgabe von 10.95 8211 Basel8211III konforme zusätzliche Tier8211I Perpetual Debt Bonds auf Privatplatzierung Basis erhöht, um zusätzliche Tier8211I Kapital und Gesamtkapital der Bank zur Stärkung der Kapitaladäquanz gemäß Basel8211III Anforderungen zu erhöhen. Eine ordentliche Generalversammlung der Aktionäre der Bank fand am 08.07.2015 Suche nach Aktionären39 Genehmigung für die Annahme der geprüften Jahresabschlüsse der Bank für das Geschäftsjahr 2014821115, die Ausschüttung der Dividende auf Aktien der Bank für die GJ 2014821115 und Genehmigung der Anhebung der Kapital durch qualifizierte institutionelle Platzierung Follow8211on öffentlichen Angebot, etc. Die Bank hat eine Dividende von Rs.28211 pro Aktie auf Aktien Aktien der Bank für die FY 2014821115 in Höhe von Rs. 120,57 Crores mit Dividende8211Erstellungsdatum 17.07.2015. Die Bank führte eine außerordentliche Generalversammlung der Aktionäre der Bank am 23.09.2015 und suchte Aktionäre39 Genehmigung für die Aufnahme von Kapital durch die Ausgabe von Aktien durch bevorzugte Zuteilung an die Regierung von Indien auf Infusion von Rs.378 Crores von der Regierung von Indien zu Aktienkapital der Bank. Die Bank hat 4,94,63.491 Aktien von Rs.108211 mit einer Prämie von Rs.66.42p ausgegeben und zugeteilt. Je Aktie an die Regierung von Indien auf Vorzugsgrundlage. Mit dieser Infusion hat die Regierung39s Beteiligung von 61.0183 auf 63.9742 des gesamten Aktienkapitals der Bank von Rs.652.31 erhöht. Crores Die Bank hat auch eine außerordentliche Generalversammlung der Aktionäre der Bank am 21.03.2016 durchgeführt und erhielt die Zustimmung der Aktionäre für Kapitalerhöhung durch Ausgabe von Aktienaktien von Rs.108211 jeweils zu einem Aufschlag von Rs.37.30p. Je Aktie summiert sich auf Rs.136,48 Crores to Life Insurance Corporation von Indien. Damit hat sich die Beteiligung der Life Insurance Corporation in Indien von 10,7181 auf 14,50 des insgesamt gezahlten Kapitals der Bank erhöht. Nach dieser Zuteilung ist das Gesamtkapital der Bank Rs. 681.16 Crores und der Anteil der Regierung von Indien ist von 63.9742 auf 61.2643 gesunken. (ASBA): SEBI ad Meldung vom 10.11.2015, hat beauftragt, dass alle Anleger, die eine öffentliche Emission anwenden, für die Bezahlung nur die von der Sperrbetragseinrichtung (ASBA) unterstützte Anlage verwenden. ASBA-Anlage wurde am 24. August 2009 durch unsere Bank aktiviert. Am 31. März 2016 wurden insgesamt 2749 Filialen der Bank über PAN India in die Lage versetzt, ASBA-Anwendungen zu akzeptieren. Wir haben auch die Anlage über unseren Net Banking Channel erweitert, in dem Kunden Online-Streit kostenlos bieten können. 7. BANCASSURANCE AMP FEE8211BASIERTE PRODUKTE Die Bank konzentriert sich kontinuierlich auf die Erhöhung der Erträge durch Diversifizierung der Einkommensströme, indem sie die Vermarktung von Lebensversicherungsprodukten, Vermögensverwaltungsleistungen, direkten Steuern, Kfz-Steuern, kommunalen Steuern und Versorgungsleistungen übernimmt , Payment Gateway Services, Auto8211Debit Einrichtungen usw. Die Bank zusammen mit Bank of Baroda und Legal Amp General Group Plc von Großbritannien hat eine Joint-Venture-Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft namens IndiaFirst Life Insurance Co Ltd gegründet und es wurde offiziell im März 2010 gestartet. Die Bank hat eine Beteiligung von 30 in der Gesellschaft, während Bank of Baroda hat 44 und 26 wird von Legal und General Group Plc gehalten. Während der FY 2015821116, insgesamt New Business Prämie (einschließlich Einzel-und Gruppengeschäft) von Rs. 131,38 Cr wurde mobilisiert. Erneuerungsprämie von Rs. 114,70 Cr wurde bis zum 31.03.2016 gesammelt. Bank verdient Provision von Rs. 16.17 Cr aus dem Verkauf von Lebensversicherungspolicen. 7.2 Investmentfondsgeschäft Die Bank unterhält Investmentfondsgesellschaften, nämlich den UTI-Investmentfonds, den SBI-Investmentfonds, den Principal Mutual Fund, den Tata Mutual Fund, den Sundaram Investmentfonds, den Reliance Investmentfonds, den Birla Sun Life Investmentfonds und den Treuhandfonds , Kotak Investmentfonds, LIC Investmentfonds und Baroda Pioneer Investmentfonds. 7.3 Depository Services Bank bietet der Öffentlichkeit unter dem Markennamen AB Demat Depotdienstleistungen an. Die Bank ist ein Depository Participant (DP) mit Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) sowie mit der National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). 7.4 Government Business-Abteilung-Schnittstelle mit der Website des Central Board of Excise und Zoll zur Erhebung der Verbrauchsteuer, Zoll-und Dienstleistungssteuer für unsere Net Banking-Konstituenten ist abgeschlossen und befindet sich im Live-Betrieb zu erleichtern. Anpassung der Online-Zahlung System für Mehrwertsteuer und Gewerbesteuer in den Staat Uttar Pradesh abgeschlossen ist und das Modul in Betrieb ist. Sammlung von Delhi Mehrwertsteuer in der NCT von Delhi durch e8211mode ist abgeschlossen und das Modul ist im Leben. Sammlung von allen TamilNadu Govt. Steuern 8211 Online ist abgeschlossen und das Modul ist im Einsatz. Regierung von Madhya Pradesh amp Chhattisgarh haben unsere Bank für die Sammlung von Commercial Tax genehmigt, Zentrale Umsatzsteuer, VAT, Entry Tax, Gewerbesteuer über E8211mode. Anpassung ist im Gange. Regierung von Karnataka amp Gujarat haben unsere Bank für die Sammlung von Commercial Tax genehmigt, Zentrale Umsatzsteuer, VAT, Entry Tax, Gewerbesteuer über E8211mode. Anpassung ist im Gange. E8211Mode für die Erhebung von Gebühren für Online-Bürger-Dienste mit Payment-Gateway unter e8211Panchayat Initiative in den Staat Andhra Pradesh. 8211 In der Live. Elektronisches Fondsmanagementsystem (EFMS) für Aarogyasri Trust (AP), um den Bulk-Upload von Zahlungen an verschiedene Begünstigte einschließlich Krankenhäusern zu ermöglichen. 8211Testing ist abgeschlossen und wird in Kürze in Betrieb gehen. Online-Upload von e8211receipts der beiden Staaten von AP und Telangana in Bezug auf Govt Treasury zum Portal der RBI E8211Kuber. Direkte Fondsüberweisung an die Begünstigten unter Swachha Andhra Corporation und Swachha Bharat Mission. Erhebung von Gebühren für AP Skill Development Corporation unter Personalmanagement Skill Development und allgemeine Schulungen. Online-Erhebung von Bearbeitungsgebühren und sonstigen Quittungen mit NEFTRTGS für die AP Industrial Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. Verteilung der Sozialhilfe an die Begünstigten des Arbeitsrechtsbeauftragten, Andhra Pradesh. CBDT8211 Genehmigung für die Erhebung von direkten Steuern für 521 Filialen zusätzlich (früher 817 Filialen) erhalten 8211Total 1338 Filialen wurden mit CBDT-Modul aktiviert. SAMMLUNG VON DIREKTEN STEUERN 8211 Insgesamt wurden 41 Brennpunktzweige vom RBI genehmigt. Govt Geschäft während 2015821116 hat ein y8211o8211y Wachstum von 19. Einkommen auf Govt bezeugt. Geschäft ist in der Melodie der Rs. 11,24 cr für das Jahr (2015821116). Große Govt. Unternehmen wie A. P. Pollution Control Board, AP Waqf Board, AP Labor Welfare Dept., NREGS sind in unserer Falte Wir erhielten die Principal Banker Status für die AP Capital Regionale Entwicklungsbehörde (APCRDA). Senioren-Sparplan (SCSS). Insgesamt wurden 418 Filialen in Betrieb genommen. Die auf dem Portal für AP Sarva Siksha Abhiyan entwickelte Software ermöglicht die Generierung von grant8211wise Informationen (Interventionen) aus jedem der mit diesem Portal verbundenen Konten. Unsere Bank hat auch zwei Helpdesks an der DIT und eine andere bei HO. Wir haben die BILLCOLL-Anlage an die AP State Board of Intermediate Bildung (APSBIE), TSBIE und Sthreenidhi Credit Coop Fed Ltd, AP (Darlehen Wiederherstellungen) zur Verfügung gestellt. Wir haben National Automated Clearing House (NACH 8211 Auszahlung Modul) MEMPA, AP APSRTC, Arbeit Welfare Board, TS Livestock Development Agentur (TSLDA) etc. Sammlung von Verkehrspolizei challans 8211 online. Govt Von Telangana durch Payment Gateway 8211 Modul ist abgeschlossen und live. Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme und Kisan Vikas patra Scheme wurden erfolgreich in 418 autorisierten Zweigniederlassungen unserer Bank implementiert. 8. IT INITIATIVEN Die Zweigniederlassungen stellen den Landwirten Kredite zur Ernteproduktion zur Verfügung. Derzeit sind Filialen berechnen Prämie manuell und Abbuchung Konten. Die Anmeldeformulare werden manuell erstellt und bei der Agriculture Insurance Company (AIC) eingereicht. Das Problem, das in der oben genannten Praxis verbunden ist, ist falsche Prämienansammlung, fehlende Konten von der Abdeckung und non8211übertragung von Prämie zu AIC. Um die oben genannten Schwierigkeiten zu minimieren, wird der Finacle-Systemunterstützung für die Abbuchung der Ernteversicherung zur Verfügung gestellt: Als einmaliger Benutzer muss die Landdatenbank für die von ihnen finanzierten Kulturen angelegt werden. Dann basiert auf dem Zustand DistrictMandal Dorf, Landausmaß, Höhe des Vorschusses und Kategorie des Landwirtsystems berechnet den Prämienbetrag und belasten die Konten. System wird auch die Details der Konten, für die Versicherungsprämie nicht belastet wird. System generiert die Deklarationen nach AIC-Formaten. Crop wiseVillage wiseInsurance Schema kluge Erklärungen im Format von AIC gegeben werden, können aus dem System erstellt werden Zoll-DutyExciseService Steuerzahlung: Die Bank ist berechtigt, verschiedene Arten von Indirekt Steuern Zahlungen wie Zoll, Verbrauch und Steuern online zu erheben. Das Feature ist jetzt verfügbar auf Internet Banking für Einzel-und Firmenkunden, die es den Benutzern ermöglichen, die Steuer mit IEC CodeAssesse-Code von der Abteilung zugeordnet bezahlen. Payment Gateway-Integration mit SBIePay, Payu, Citrus, EBS und Geldzeiten: Die Bank hat mit Payment Gateway Services Provider wie SBIePay, Payu, Citrus, EBS und Times of Money verbunden und integriert das gleiche mit Internet Banking, über die Internet Banking Retail-Kunden können verschiedene Arten von Utility-Rechnungen an die Händler an den Zahlungs-Gateways aktiviert bezahlen. Online-IB-Transaktions-Passwort Zurücksetzen: Ein neues Feature wurde eingeführt, um Retail-und Corporate Internet Banking Kunden, damit sie das Transaktions-Passwort auf ihre eigenen gesetzt. Retail-Kunden können ATM-Debitkarte verwenden und zurücksetzen, wo als Firmenkunde sollte registriert und aktiviert Hardware-Token. Der Benutzer kann das Transaktionskennwort auch mit der Option aktivieren, die auf der Registerkarte Verwalten im Internet-Banking bereitgestellt wird. PMJBYPMSBY Anforderung Seeding durch Internet Banking ATM: Internet Banking Retail-Kunden können eine Anfrage für PMSBY und PMJBY Versicherungen mit der Option unter PM Jan Dhan39s Jan Suraksha Scheme Einschreibung Link auf der Homepage des Internet Banking zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese Funktion ist in Banks ATMs SMS Internet Banking Channel aktiviert. PMJDYTOD über SMS-Modus Für die Anmeldung zu Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana TOD wird ein neues Modul für den Empfang von Anfragen von Kunden durch SMS-Geldautomaten entwickelt. Die Kundennummer sollte bei der Bank für SMS-Benachrichtigungen registriert sein und sollte für die Regelung in Betracht kommen. Der Kunde erhält zwei SMS-Bestätigungs-SMS zur Anmeldung und zur TOD-Zulassung. Online-RD-Eröffnung durch Net Banking: Retail-Kunden können jetzt öffnen Online wiederkehrende Einzahlung durch Internet-Banking mit der Option auf der Registerkarte REQUESTS zur Verfügung gestellt. Sobald das Konto geöffnet ist, wird das selbe in der Selbstmitteilung übertragen, um weitere Gutschriften zu erlauben. Online Standing Instructions: Diese Funktion ist für Privatkunden im Internet Banking aktiviert. Unter 39Standing Instructions Request39 Modul Kunde kann Anfrage für Modify Delete Anfragen Sie eine stehende Anweisung über NetBanking. Standing instructions can be created by the retail customers for periodical transfer of funds to RD account, Loan account and other accounts of selfthird party. Online e8211TDR amp Online Term Deposit Recurring Deposit Closure: Retail customers can give a request for closure of term deposit and recurring deposits using the option provided under REQUESTS tab of Internet Banking. The accounts opened through online will only come for closure. In case the deposit receipt is printed at the branch end, those accounts will not appear for closure even though the account is opened through online. Mobile Banking RegistrationDeregistrationmPIN Generation: Internet Banking Retail customers can give a request for registration, deregistration and MPIN using requests tab. The requests will be processed offline and the facility is not available for the users having VIEW only facility in Internet Banking. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) through Branches: New module is developed in Finacle to enable IMPS transaction at branches. Using IMPS through Branch module, customer can remit funds to other bank customers instantly using account number and IFSC. Facility is enabled for both walkin customer and our Bank customers. Walkin customer can remit funds through cash upto Rs. 49,9998211 and our Bank customers can remit through account upto Rs. 2 lacs per transaction. Utility Bill Payments For Retail Customers Through MS Paytm PG Services Provider: PayTM payment gateway services was integrated with our internet banking on 30122015. With this facility our Bank retail internet banking customers can make payments online for merchandise purchased from the merchants enrolled by PayTm. Andhra Bank Cube: Bank has launched cobranded wallet with Ms Citrus. Using this digital personal finance manager Mobile App, Customers can perform following activities a. Create payment reminders for Digital, Cash and Cheque payments. B. Integrated Payment Gateway supporting Card based, Account based and Citrus39 Digital Cash based payments. C. The Wallet capability in the app supports Saved Cards and Prepaid Cash payments seamlessly. D. Payment tracker by account presents 6 month view of the payments made through AB Cube or Offline. D. h. Ability to replace cash collection 8211 education, P2B (Merchant Payments), P2G (Govt Taxes) type payments using AB Cube f. Now available in Android version iOS version will be launched shortly. Bank in association with BSNL and Pyro has successfully launched the cobranded prepaid card SpeedPay. SpeedPay is an open loop mobile wallet which can be used by customers for Airtime Recharges, DTH Recharges, Postpaid Bill Payments, Landline Bill Payments amp Utility Bill Payments. Its a open loop mobile wallet which allows transfer of funds from wallet to bank account and also cash withdrawals. Social Media listening and response management: Bank has implemented Social Media listening and response management on an opex model. The basic idea of implementing this solution is to have insight into what young generation is talking about Bank on social media, understand their expectations, to get information on complaints made by customers on social media, to get honest feedback from customers on e8211products etc. Social Media Listening: The solution provided has crawlersconnectors, which gathers data from various social media platforms ( eg: facebook, twitter, Google, mouthshut etc) and news sources ( NDTV, CNN IBN etc) on the internet. It gathers information as to what people are talking about Andhra Bank. The tool has the ability to monitor billions of conversations and generate text analytics based on predefined criteria. The tool used is Radian6. The dashboards are shared daily showing the details of total number of posts, duly classified as positive, negative amp neutral. Social Media response management: The customer comments are categorized as Positive, Neutral and Negative and report is provided to bank team daily. Bank staff is providing the required response which will be posted as responses for the customer comments, on the respective website. Further Bank has also created official pages in Facebook and Twitter and we are making frequent posts about our various products and services. Sovereign Gold Bonds To reduce the demand for physical gold, Government of India has introduced Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme. Necessary customization was done in Finacle in order to facilitate the branches to enter the subscription details in Finacle without using RBI e8211kuber portal. At end of the day, the entire data will be sent to RBI in electronic form for issue of the bonds. Housing Loan Lead through Mobile Application A new option is enabled on AB e8211Passbook Mobile App to capture Housing Loan Lead. This option is available for our existing customers as well as for new customers. Once lead is captured, immediately it shows the lump8211sum eligible amount as per data entered. This data is shared with Retail Credit Department along with mobile number of the prospective customer. The lead will be processed by Retail Credit Department by contacting them. Retail Credit Department is provided with a portal where all leads are displayed and authorised users are allowed to access this portal to process the leads. Online SB Account Opening Online SB Account Opening is enabled through our website andhrabank. co. in (Online ServicesgtOnline Savings Account Opening). Using this facility, any resident Indian can apply for opening of Saving Bank Account online. Each application submitted online is identified using a Unique Tracking ID for each successful request. Branch has to verify all the online customer requests pertaining to branch using menu 39HSBOA39 in CBS. The request will be available for verification after T1, where T is the date of online request submission. Branch can verify the request using Track ID, on personal visit of the customer to hisher opted branch within 15 days. After 15 days, system will automatically delete customer account opening requests which are in entry status. APY through SMS Mode For enrolment to Atal Pension Yojana, a new module is developed for receiving request from customer through SMS. The customer mobile number should be registered with the bank for SMS alerts and should be eligible for the scheme. This data will be sent to FI Cell HO for further processing. This portal was developed for processing the education loan applications received on Government Vidyalaxmi portal. The applications once uploaded to this portal gets automatically updated to LAPS module. XML file generation for reverse upload to government site for updating applications39 status is also developed. Integration of Online Application Entry and Tracking System with LAPS Module: In tune with market demands, option is now provided in Bank website to let prospective borrowers place loan requisitions online. This facility would enable prospective borrowers to calculate eligible loan amount online, after entry of preliminary details. When borrower submits these details seeking the loan, a unique reference number would be generated, and this number would be communicated to the borrower by SMS and e8211mail. This reference number would help borrowers track the status of their loan proposal, online. Further processing of loan proposal, would take place procedurally, after completion of KYC compliance and due diligence. Online contribution to PPF: Internet Banking Retail customers can now link their PPF accounts and carry out funds transfer to PPF accounts. Retail customers can link their own PPF accounts or third party accounts by initiating transaction to that PPF account, and can generate the statement for the credits done through branch as well as through internet banking. Bank has installed 1133 Cash Recyclers, which can accept as well as dispense cash 24 x 7 amp credit to loan account is also enabled in Cash Recyclers. APEPDCL bill payment through ATM: APEPDCL Power bill payment is enabled through Andhra Bank ATM. Users with Bank debit card can make payment through this facility. Sukanya Samridhi Yojna The Sukanya Samridhi Yojna, also known as girl child prosperity scheme was introduced by Govt of India. Sukanya Samridhi account is to ensure a bright future for girl children in India. This yojna is to facilitate them proper education and carefree marriage expenses. This scheme offers a small deposit investment for the girl children. One of the key benefits of the scheme is that it is quite affordable and offers one of the highest rates of interest. Interest rates are fixed and will be communicated by GOI every year. The module was developed in Finacle wherein branches which are designated for PPF amp SCSS can open accounts under this scheme. Rupay Platinum Debit Card Rupay Platinum Debit Card was launched by Bank on NPCI platform which is loaded with premium usage offers. The cash withdrawal limit on ATMs is Rs. 50,000.00 and purchase limit on POS terminals is Rs. 1,00,000.00. The card carries a personal accident insurance coverage of Rs. 2.00 lacs. Online validation of Customer details with CFT list The United Nations periodically circulates the following two lists of individuals and entities, suspected of having terrorist links, and as approved by its security council (UNSC). Banks are required to update the lists and take them into account for implementation of Section 51A of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) (UAPA) Act 1967. Banks should ensure that they do not have any account in the name of individualsentities appearing in the above lists. Details of accounts resembling any of the individualsentities in the lists should be reported to FIU8211IND invariably. To meet the above regulatory requirement, Bank has customized CBS system such that whenever branch goes for creation of new customer master, the customer name is checked against CFT database on real time basis. When the customer name is present in the CFT list a warning message is prompted to the branch user along with matched names from the CFT list. If no matching record are found then no message will be displayed and the branch user can go ahead to onboard the customer. Offsite Monitoring 8211 Alert Management A new facility is provided for the alert mechanism wherein the Branches can directly access alerts online and respond the same, without sending and receiving any mails. Presently, the facility is available for 12 types of daily alerts. Integrated e8211surveillance system for ATMs Bank is implementing centralized integrated security surveillance system to prevent ATM related physical crimes which include Intrusion detection sensors, Fire detection, SmokeHeat Detection, Intrusion alarm, HooterBurglar Alarms, User Alarm activation switch, Speaker, Microphone, other sensors to raise alerts during various contingencies. Purchase order placed on the 3 vendors for all the 2500 sites for implementation of the solution. Implementation under progress. ATM Switch migration to FSSnet Switch: Hitherto Bank was maintaining its own ATM switch. To save on cost, Bank decided to take ATM switch service on Opex model. Accordingly Bank has successfully migrated ATM Switch Services to FSS Switch on opex model on 20.02.2016. Online Booking of lockers: On Banks website now option is provided to prospective customers to view the details of the vacant lockers available at different branches. The customer can then book locker based on the availability and can approach the branch for further processing of the request. Dashboard for Top Management using SAS tools: Bank in8211house team has developed different 15 dashboards on various important parameters giving details of the performance of the Bank using SAS tools. These dashboards are being used by Top Management to take informed decisions. Kisan Vikas Patra scheme Govt Of India has launched Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)2014 scheme which is available to the investors in the denomination of Rs. 1000, 5000, 10,000 and 50,000. Kisan Vikas Patras have unique liquidity feature, where an investor can, if he so desires, encash his certificates after the lock8211in period of 2 years and 6 months and thereafter in any block of six months on pre8211determined maturity value. The certificate can also be pledged as security to avail loans from the banks and in other case where security is required to be deposited. Accordingly our bank has also customized the scheme in Finacle and released to the designated 418 branches. 9. NETWORK EXPANSION During the Financial Year 2015821116, Bank opened 296 Branches (including up8211gradation of 4 Extension Counters) and added 1404 ATMsBNACRS. With this, as on 31.03.2016, Bank had 6477 Delivery Channels consisting of 2803 Branches, 4 Extension Counters, 34 Satellite Offices and 3636 ATMsamp BNACRs spread over 26 States and 3 Union Territories. The Bank has 45 Specialized Branches catering to the needs of the specific segments of clientele. The Bank also has two Representative (overseas) Offices at Dubai (U. A.E) (opened in May 2006) and New Jersey (U. S.A) (opened in November, 2008 .1 Presence in Minority8211Dominated Districts At the end of 31.03.2016 we are having 306 branches in Minority dominated Districts. Of the Bank39s total network across the country, the percentage of Branches in minority dominated Districts stood at 11.08 as on 31.03.2016. 9.2 Navshakti Initiatives 1. The number of Navshakti Branches crossed the land mark figure of 1000 on 18.03.2016. 2. 343 Branches were converted to Navshakti model during the current financial year, of which 133 are Rollout Branches and 210 are New Branches. As on 31.03.2016, there are 1035 Navshakti Branches, of which 400 are Rollout Branches and 635 are new branches. 3. The first Delite Banking Branch, at Road No.45, Jubilee Hills and Hyderabad was inaugurated on 15.10.2015. This is the first of its kind branch, catering to the needs of the HNI Customers. 4. 4 RLEs and 2 SMEs were opened during the current financial year. With this, the total number of RLEs and SMEs as on 31.03.2016 is 17 and 10 respectively. 5. 113 Officers under MM8211III cadre were identified and inducted into the talent pool created for Succession Planning 10. QUALITATIVE ASPECTS: 10.1 Risk Management The Bank has a comprehensive Integrated Risk Management Policy for the management of Credit risk, Market risk and Operational risk as per the guidance notesguidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Accordingly, all the risk management functions, viz. Credit Risk, Asset8211Liability Management (ALM), Mid8211office of the Treasury and Operational risk functions have been integrated. The Integrated Risk Management Policy of the Bank is being reviewed every year in tune with the regulatory guidelines. 10.1.1 Credit Risk Credit Risk Management Committee is responsible for implementation of the Credit policies approved by the Board and RMC. The Bank has a well defined 39Loan Policy39 duly approved by the Board prescribing standards for presentation of credit proposals, financial covenants, rating standards and benchmarks, delegation of credit approving powers, prudential limits on large credit exposures, asset concentrations, standards for loan collateral, portfolio management, loan review mechanism, risk concentrations, risk monitoring and evaluation, pricing of loans, provisioning, regulatorylegal compliance, etc. Bank also is having in place the Credit Risk Management Policy, Credit Risk Mitigation amp Collateral Management Policy, Credit Risk Rating Policy, Loan Recovery and NPA Management Policy. The Bank has in place comprehensive risk rating system for various categories of exposures. Bank has established a Rating cell for assigning internal ratings for all exposures of Rs 5 Crore and above. The Rating cell vets the internal rating given by the branch Zonal office and assigns final rating. The Rating cell ensures comprehensive rating coverage, integrity of rating process and proper data maintenance. The Bank utilizes industry reports from CRISIL and the industry risk score service from CRISIL Research. 10.1.2 Market Risk Market risk implies possibility of loss arising out of adverse movements of market determined rates and prices. The objective of market risk management is to avoid excessive exposure of Bank39s earnings and equity to such losses and to reduce Bank39s exposure to the volatility inherent in financial instruments such as securities, foreign exchange contracts, equity and derivative instruments, as well as balance sheet or structural positions. The Bank has in place a well8211defined 39Market Risk Management Policy39 and an organizational structure for market risk management functions. The Bank manages market risk through 39Asset8211Liability Management (ALM) policy and 39InvestmentsForex policy39. A high level Executive Committee viz. Asset8211liability Committee (ALCO) oversees the ALM in the Bank and deliberates on liquidity and interest rate scenario in the market and decides upon the pricing of various products. ALCO regularly monitors the identification, measurement, monitoring and mitigation of market risk in liquidity, interest rates, equity and forex areas. The 39liquidity risk39 is measured and managed through 39gap analysis39 for maturity mismatches based on residual maturity. For assets and liabilities, which are of non8211maturity nature. Bank is conducting behavioural studies and factoring the observations in the gap analysis. The behavioural study findings are subjected to back8211testing and are validated regularly. Prudential limits are fixed for net gaps and also for cumulative gap up to one year and these limits are measured and monitored regularly. Liquidity profile of the Bank is also measured regularly through various liquidity ratios and monitoring of the same is done with the help of prudential limits fixed thereon. The 39interest rate risk39 is monitored on a regular basis through 39Maturity gap analysis39 and 39Duration gap analysis39. Tolerance limits have been fixed for impact on Net Interest Income (NII) due to adverse changes in interest rates. To measure the impact of interest rate changes on Bank39s equity, duration gap analysis is done and prudential limit is set for modified duration of equity. Modified duration of equity is within the prudential limits set for this purpose. VaR and duration analysis are used for measuring market risk including treasury operations. The Interest Rate Risk in Banking Book (IRRBB) is also being assessed on a monthly basis. Other market related risks to which any bank is exposed are foreign exchange risk on foreign currency positions, liquidity or funding risk and price risk on trading portfolios. The Bank has clearly articulated policies to control and monitor its treasury functions. These policies comprise management practices, procedures, prudential risk limits, review mechanisms and reporting systems. These policies are revised regularly at fixed intervals in line with the changes in financial and market conditions. 10.1.3 Operational Risk: Management of Operational Risk is a part of the 39Integrated Risk Management Policy39 and the Bank has a focused attention for management of the Operational Risk, in the light of the Reserve Bank of India guidelines. Operational Risk Management Cell is responsible for coordinating all the operational risk management activities of the bank and these include building an understanding of the risk profile, implementing tools related to operational risk management and working towards the goals of improved controls and lower risk. Operational Risk Management Committee ORMC ensures implementation and compliance of the Operational Risk policies and reports to the BoardRisk Management Committee RMC. The Bank has been computing capital charge for Operational risk by adopting 39Basic Indicator Approach39 (BIA) as stipulated by the RBI. 10.1.4 Approaches followed for computation of Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) As per RBI guidelines, all Commercial banks in India shall follow the Standardised Approach for Credit risk, Standardized Duration Approach for Market risk and Basic Indicator Approach for Operational risk under the 39New Capital Adequacy Framework. Credit Risk: Bank at present is following the Standardized Approach for estimation of capital requirements for Credit Risk which also includes the HTM portfolio of Investments. Bank is gearing itself to move over to Advanced approaches for Credit risk. In this regard, Bank has developed a Credit Risk Rating Model (CRRM) with the consultancy assistance of National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune. This model is further strengthened internally by making it a WAN (Wide Area Network) based CRRM model so that it is accessible from any of the locations of the bank. This model is capable of providing transition matrices and default probabilities (Probability of default) and would help the Bank in moving over to the Advanced Approaches in future. Market Risk: Bank is using the Standardized Duration method for computing capital charge for Market risk (investments in HFT and AFS categories) as per RBI guidelines. Operational Risk: Bank is providing capital for Operational risk as per the Basic Indicator Approach (BIA). 10.1.5 Preparation for moving over to Advanced Approaches Bank is in the process of migrating to Advanced Approaches through implementation of an Integrated Risk Management Solution 10.1.6 Bank39s compliance to RBI guidelines on Basel requirements: Pillar 8211 I (Minimum Capital requirements) RBI has introduced in its Basel III guidelines the following enhanced capital requirements and has also prescribed transitional arrangements to conform to these requirements in a phased manner by March 31, 2019. The Bank is calculating its Capital Adequacy in accordance with Basel II amp Basel III guidelines. The Bank39s Capital Adequacy at present is in conformity with the transitional arrangements for Basel III as prescribed by RBI. However, to meet the growing business requirements, the Bank may have to supplement its Capital funds, especially by increasing Common equity in future Pillar 8211 II (Supervisory Review amp Evaluation Process) In compliance with the PillarII guidelines of the RBI under Basel III framework, the Bank has formulated a Policy of Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) to assess internal capital in relation to various risks that it is exposed to. Stress Testing and scenario analysis are used to assess the financial and management capability of the Bank to continue to operate effectively under exceptional but plausible conditions. The bank is calculating the Concentration risk on a quarterly basis to assess the portfolio level risks based on sectoral, geographical and borrower wise concentration. Bank is using statistical parameters like Herfindahl8211Hirshman Index (HHI), Gini Coefficient, and Rosenbluth Index for determining the Credit Concentration Risk. The Bank has a Board approved Stress Testing Policy describing the various techniques used to gauge its potential vulnerability and also its capacity to sustain such vulnerability. Pillar 8211 III (Market Discipline) The Bank has a Disclosure Policy as per the disclosure requirements contained in the circular issued by the Reserve Bank of India on the implementation of the Basel III Capital Regulations. The guidelines therein are adhered to and compliance is reported to the Competent Authorities. Pillar8211III (Market discipline) of Basel III, aims to encourage Market discipline by developing a set of disclosure requirements which allows market participants to assess key pieces of information on the scope of application, capital, risk exposures, risk assessment processes and hence, the capital adequacy of the Bank. The PillarIII Disclosures are published on a quarterly and half yearly basis on the Bank39s website plus a year8211end disclosure as on March of every year. The Pillar8211III year8211end disclosures are also published in the Bank39s Annual Report apart from being available on the Bank39s website. 10.1.7 In addition to the above, RBI has introduced several other measures of leverage and liquidity standards viz. A minimum Leverage Ratio of 4.5 to curb the excessive leverage of a bank39s balance sheet and Liquidity standards by way of two ratios viz. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). The LCR requires a bank to hold sufficient high8211quality liquid assets to cover its total stressed net cash outflows over 30 days. The NSFR requires a bank to hold sufficient amount of stable funds to meet the requirement of stable funding over a one8211year period of extended stress. The Bank is regularly calculating and monitoring the Liquidity ratios taking as reference the RBI guidelines issued for LCR and draft guidelines issued for NSFR. The Bank is also calculating and monitoring the Leverage ratio on a quarterly basis. 10.2 Management of Asset Quality Gross NPAs of the Bank stood at Rs. 11,444 Crore as on 31.03.2016. Gross NPAs as a percentage to Gross Advances stood at 8.39 while Net NPAs as a percentage to Net Advances stood at 4.61. The Provision Coverage of NPAs as on 31.03.2016 was 56.89. Total reduction in NPA accounts amounted to Rs.1765 Crore. 10.2.1 Restructuring mechanism During FY 2015821116, 7 accounts with outstanding amount of Rs.1371.97 Cr were restructured in terms of the restructuring packages. The total balances in restructured accounts as at the end of March 2016 stood at Rs.11393.09 Crore in 167 accounts. 10.2.2 Lending Practices The Bank had framed well defined Loan Policy Guidelines with the approval of the Board. These guidelines are reviewed by the Board at periodical intervals based on Reserve Bank of India guidelines, Annual Policy Statement of Reserve Bank of India, competitive environment prevailing among the banks, for accelerated credit growth envisaged in certain business segments, marketing amp development of new products and taking into account the feedback received from the field level functionaries, credit departments at Head Office. Credit Committees have been constituted in the Bank at Head Office, Circle Office and Zonal Office levels for exercising sanctions of credit proposals and suitable sanctioning powers have been delegated to these committees in terms of directions of Ministry of Finance. Further, based on feedback received from field level functionaries, the delegated powers of various sanctioning authorities are reviewed and revised to reduce turnaround time in the sanction of credit proposals. The loan review mechanism is further strengthened in the Bank ensuring review of sanctions made by all functionaries by the next higher committees competent authorities as the case may be. The guidelines of the Bank on Loan Policy, Delegation of Powers and Credit Monitoring Policy have been reviewed by the Bank and a comprehensive booklet is released on 28.11.2012. Subsequent changes have been communicated through circulars from time to time. The Department is in the process of releasing a comprehensive booklet with updated information as on 31.03.2016. 10.2.3 Techno Economic Viability (TEV) Cell The bank has a Techno Economic Viability (TEV) Cell which is independent of Credit Processing amp Sanctioning Departments. The cell undertakes preparation of Project Information Memorandum (PIM), conducting Techno 8211Economic Viability (TEV) study and Debt Arrangement (Loan Syndication) for corporate clients. The cell has earned Fee based income of Rs. 68.33 Lakhs during the Financial Year 2015821116. 10.2.4 Credit Monitoring Cell Credit Monitoring Cell of the Bank is reconstituted for both Large and Mid Corporate Departments separately and continues to monitor the accounts falling under the powers of Head Office. This Monitoring Cell is exclusive and separate from the Credit monitoring done by Credit Monitoring amp Review Department (CMRD) at Head Office. 10.3 Management Information System Bank has developed a robust Management Information System which captures data essential for vital functions such as risk management and planning and which serves as an effective tool for the Top Management in decision making. This has facilitated quick decision making. The Bank is in a position to analyse performance in major parameters even on a day to day basis using the information system available. Leveraging on the CBS platform of the Bank, the MIS has facilitated speedy decision making and its implementation. 10.4 Inspection amp Audit As per the direction of the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India and as approved by our Bank39s Board, we have modified the inspection methodology of our bank and migrated to system driven Risk Based Internal Audit w. e.f 01.04.2014 using a software that has been developed in8211house using the expertise of our Development Team in the Department of Information Technology of our Bank. Under the new RBIA methodology we have completed the annual inspection of 1758 branches successfully during 2015821116. 10.5 Compliance Policy The Bank has in place a comprehensive Compliance Policy. An executive of the Bank in the rank of Deputy General Manager has been appointed as the 39Chief Compliance Officer39. As per the Policy adopted by the Bank, suitable organizational structure has been laid down defining the roles and responsibilities for Compliance Officers of various departments at Head Office, Zonal Offices and Branches. Compliance of statutory and regulatory guidelines is the scope of operation of the compliance function in the Bank. Suitable reporting system is put in place to ensure effective implementation of Compliance Policy in the bank. Legal Action under SARFAESI Act, 2002 SARFAESI Act, 2002 came to force on 21.06.2002. Bank is utilizing this Act as an effective tool for recovery of NPA loans. By invoking SARFAESI Act, 1211 secured assets (cumulative from 2002) were sold by the Bank up to 31.03.2016 involving Real Balance of Rs.1981.20 crores. During the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016 the Bank sold 140 secured assets and recovered an amount of Rs 113.33 crores. Total recovery affected by the Bank through invocation of SARFAESI Act in the financial year has been Rs.574.92 crores Adherence to Right to Information Act RTI Act, 2005 came into force with effect from 18.10.2005 and the Act was implemented in our Bank from the date of inception as the Bank is a Public Authority under Sec. 2(h) of the Act. All Zonal Managers are designated as Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) for all offices in the Zone to deal with request and render reasonable assistanceinformation. General Manager at Head Office is the Appellate Authority under the Act. During the year 2015821116, Bank received 1070 Requests and 118 Appeals under RTI Act. All the requests and appeals were responded and replied in time. 10.7 Customer Service Customer Meet was conducted on 24.11.2015 at all the branches on the eve of Founder39s Birthday. As a part of Customer Centric Initiatives we have started holding Segment Specific Customer Meets apart from the general Customer Meets are held. 10.8 Human Resources Management During 2015821116, various guidelines received from the Government of India on H. R. issues were incorporated in the bank39s HR Policy. In order to meet the demands of expansion, the man power gap arisen due to retirements and also to bridge the skill gaps in areas like Credit, Information Technology, Forex, Risk Management, Treasury etc. bank inducted 169 Specialist Officers in the fields of Rural Development, HR, Official Language, Financial Analysts, IT and Law, 136 General Officers and 807 Clerks during the year. Bank also ensured career progression of employees by considering 1343 promotions in all grades put together as per the manpower amp recruitment plan for the year. MoU with Manipal Academy As done in previous years, our Bank has entered into an MOU with Manipal University during the year for hiring Job8211ready Officers and selected 150 candidates for undergoing one year PGDBF course. On completion of 9 months course at University, the students shall be put on 3 months internship in our Branches. Upon completion of the course, they will be inducted into the bank. Industrial Relations are cordial in the Bank. Quarterly meetings were conducted at Corporate Office with the representatives of the recognized Officers39 Federation and the Award Employees39 Union. Besides this, periodical meetings were also held at Zonal level to sort out the local issues to better the working conditions as well as customer service. Bank has an Apex College with state8211of8211the art training facilities located in Financial District in Hyderabad. To improve the core capabilities of employees, various training programmes on Credit, Risk Management, Forex, Leadership Development, Product Awareness and Soft skills development were conducted besides induction and Refresher programmes for the newly recruited employees. In addition to the above, one day capsule workshops on specialized areas like Credit Management, Recovery Management, Awareness on E8211products were conducted at zonal level to improve operational efficiency of the field staff. During the year 2015821116, 428 in8211house training programmes workshops were conducted and trained 9459 employees. During the year under review 196 Officers were sent for external trainings organized by reputed institutes like NIBM, CAB, ASCI etc. E8211learning is an extension to the class8211room learning and enables the bank to offer on8211line training in a quick, easy, convenient and cost effective manner from anywhere and everywhere. In order to develop a learning culture among the employees, Bank has come out with E8211learning project as a part its HR transformation initiative. An exclusive intranet portal titled Navshakthi e8211Gyan is developed in association with the knowledge partner IDRBT for developing e8211courses. 100 of the Officers and Clerical employees have registered themselves with the e8211portal and 73 e8211courses are so far uploaded for the utility by the registered users. Our Bank has been implementing reservation policy for SCs amp STs as per Govt. of India guidelines. The representation of SCs and STs is 3920 and 1519 respectively in total work force of 20016 working in the Bank as on 31st March 2016. Out of total 10354 officers, 1830 belong to SC category and 847 belong ST category. Bank has nominated a General Manager as Chief Liaison Officer for SCs amp STs at Head Office and all Zonal Managers as Liaison Officers at Zonal Level to address the grievances if any, of SC amp ST employees. Bank has been regularly conducting quarterly joint meetings with the representatives of SC amp ST Employees Welfare Association of Andhra Bank. Our Bank has been implementing reservation policy for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) with effect from 08.09.1993 as per Govt. of India guidelines. The representation of OBCs is 4867 in the total work force of 20016 working in the Bank as on 31st March, 2016. Bank has nominated a General Manager as Chief Liaison Officer for OBCs at Head Office and all second line executives at Zonal Office as Liaison Officers at Zonal level to address the grievances if any, of OBC employees. Bank has been regularly conducting Half yearly joint meetings with the representatives of All Andhra Bank BC Employees Welfare Association. Differently Abled Persons Our Bank is providing 3 of total vacancies arising in Officer, Clerical and Subordinate staff cadre in a year. The 3 posts are distributed amongst 3 categories of Persons who are differently abled i. e. Blindness or low vision (BLV) 8211 1 Hearing Impairment (HI) 8211 1 Loco Motor disability or cerebral palsy (LM) 8211 1. The representation of Persons with Disabilities is 423 (2.11) in total workforce of 20016 as on 31st March, 2016 11. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Hindi Quarterly Progress Report Submission has been made On8211line throughout the Country which facilitates prompt and error8211free submission of Hindi Quarterly Progress Reports. On8211Line Quarterly Memory Test is conducted for all Zonal Offices and branches where staff strength is 10 or more. This is another novel and innovative on8211line test introduced by our Bank. An exclusive 48211page brochure was printed regarding OL Implementation at Zonal and branch level. The same was sent to all ZOs and branches. Rajbhasha Link in AB Staff Portal has been revamped. Besides 39Rajbhasha Mission39, Banking Terminology, Administrative Phraseology, Rajbhasha Margdarshika, various formats, Important Circulars, other related information, Hindi House Magazine, Monthly Hindi e8211bulletin and Hindi Workshop material has also been kept in our Portal. Official Language Implementation Committee of HO is held regularly every quarter. Learn a Hindi Word Everyday Scheme and 39Thought for the Week39 was prepared and sent to all Branches and Zones through a circular for implementation. Head Office and all Zones successfully celebrated Hindi Fortnight, during which five Hindi competitions were also conducted. All branches celebrated Hindi Day. An All India Hindi Essay competition was also conducted during this occasion. Two Hindi Posters were also prepared and sent to all branches. Website of our Bank is in Trilingual (Hindi, Telegu amp English) and is in 39Unicode39. It is updated on weekly basis. On8211Line OL test was successfully conducted throughout the Country in which more than 4700 employees participated. A Pocket Nirdeshika regarding Use of Hindi was printed and sent to all Zones and branches for implementation. Quarterly Issue of Rajbhasha Sarita Quarterly Hindi Magazine was printed in every quarter in time. Photography competition is also held regularly for this magazine. Rajbhasha Vani 8211 Hindi monthly e8211bulletin is being regularly issued by Head Office and 36 Zones. Hindi word is displayed daily on AB Staff Portal. It is also being sent to all Zones and branches by e8211mail. Hindi Workshop was conducted by Head Office and all Zones in all quarters Rajbhasha Guide and Margdarshika was prepared and sent to all Zones. The booklets contain guidelines about OL Implementation and Help Literature respectively Noting Table guide was printed and supplied to all Offices and branches. All employees are provided guidance to work in Hindi in Computers by providing 39Desk Training39 during OL Inspection. Dy. Director, Implementation appreciated Innovative steps of our Bank regarding OL Implementation. Ministry of Finance inspected our Head Office and appreciated Use of Hindi and innovative steps of our Bank in OL Implementation. Use of Hindi in our Tirupati, Bangalore, N. Delhi, Varanasi, Kochi, Warangal amp Ahmedabad branch was appreciated and awarded Special Prize by Ministry of Home Affairs. Our Bank won total 38 prizes in various Hindi Competitions conducted under the aegis of TOLIC. Head Office was awarded First Prize in Use of Hindi in Hyderabad by Ministry of Home Affairs. During the Financial Year 2015821116, General Manager amp Chief Vigilance Officer addressed the Zonal Managers conference and emphasized the importance of preventive measures. He explained about common lapses observed by the vigilance department. He visited some of the Branches and Zonal Offices and guided the staff on implementation of various preventive vigilance measures and emphasized on adherence to System Procedure and Guidelines (SPG) to ably arrest frauds and vigilance cases. In the current financial year, 11,885 number of employees were enlightened on Preventive Vigilance aspects in 485 different training programssessions held at Apex College, Hyderabad. Vigilance Department implemented 29 major systemic improvements which resulted in minimizing the occurrence of frauds. Department has achieved the target of reviewing Assets amp Liabilities statement of officers staff as per Central Vigilance Commission Guidelines. Department has investigated into and disposed off 78 complaints received during the year. During the year 59 vigilance cases have been registered out of which 20 cases have been disposed off. Preventive Vigilance Inspection has been conducted in 2243 branches to ensure implementation of extant guidelines. Reports were reviewed by the department and necessary instructions have been issued to the branches for compliance. Vigilance Department observed Vigilance Awareness Week from October 26. 2015 to October 31, 2015. As part of the Vigilance Awareness Week, one Independent Director, a veteran banker, Shri. Krishna Kumar addressed the officers at our Head Office on 29.10.2015 on 39Preventive Vigilance as a tool of Good Governance39, the central theme of Vigilance Awareness Week. Competitions in elocution, essay writing were conducted at head office and at various schools and colleges in different cities by respective zonal offices. 13. LEAD BANK SCHEME Andhra Bank is the Convener Bank for State Level Bankers39 Committee, Andhra Pradesh since 1984. Consequent to reshyorganization of AP into Telangana amp Residual Andhra Pradesh w. e.f 2nd June, 2014, responsibility of Convenership of SLBC of residual AP continued to be with Andhra Bank. So far 193 SLBC meetings have been organized including 10 SLBC Meetings in the reorganized state of Andhra Pradesh. The State Credit Plan for 2015821116 was launched by the Hon39ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 29.06.2015. Andhra Bank is having Lead Bank responsibilities in six districts, viz. Srikakulam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Guntur in Andhra Pradesh and Ganjam, Gajapathi districts in Odisha State. Bank is discharging all responsibilities in implementation of Lead Bank Scheme. Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs): SLBC has identified the uncovered blocks and were allotted among banks for opening of FLCs. The Financial Literacy material finalized by the Mission office was translated into vernacular language by SLBC and sent to banks. Spread of Financial Literacy in Government approved Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs): The Department of Financial Services, MoF, GoI have communicated their decision to launch a financial literacy drive to educate students. SLBC has mapped 843 skilling centres with FLCs amp Bank branches existing in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Website: An exclusive website is set up for SLBC of Andhra Pradesh with URL slbcap. nic. in for the information of all the stake holders and general public. The website is being updated at regular intervals with the latest data and information. 14. FINANCIAL INCLUSION Pradhan Mantri Jan8211Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was formally launched on 28th August 2014.The Yojana envisages universal access to banking facilities with at least one basic banking account for every household, financial literacy, access to credit, insurance and pension Bank has successfully implemented PMJDY and as on 31.03.2016, 21.78 Lakhs accounts have been opened as against 19.46 lakhs during previous year. Out of 21.78 lakh accounts, 14.61 Lakhs accounts are in rural areas and 7.16 Lakhs in urban areas. Total deposits of Rs. 212.91 Crore have been mobilized with average balance of Rs.977.51 as against Rs. 506.00 during previous year Zero balance accounts stood at 4.54 lakhs comprising of 20.84 whose reduction is from 58.18. 19.15 Lakh RuPay Debit cards have been issued against 15.96 Lakhs during 31.03.2015. Aadhaar seeding has been done in 12.94 Lakh accounts Over Draft Facility under PMJDY: The basic concept is to include the last mile to the financial channel by extending the overdraft to the needy. 1,67,578 PMJDY accounts are eligible for overdraft facility and 46,844 customers are sanctioned overdraft facility and 13,547 customers availed over draft to the extent of Rs. 176.28 lacs. Social Security Schemes (SSS): A massive 80 of the country39s population is still outside the insurance coverage while the government estimated that merely 11 of the working population is under pension. Inorder to bring the people under insurance coverage, Honourable Prime Minister has launched two insurance products and one pension product are targeted especially to the unorganized sector and economically weaker section population were launched viz. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana (PMJBY) and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and Pension Scheme, Atal Pension Yojana (APY) on 09.05.2015 at Kolkata. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana (PMJBY): PMJBY offers Rs 2 lakh life insurance cover at a premium of Rs 330 per annum. Bank account holders in the age 18 to 50 years are eligible to avail this facility. The life risk cover will get terminated after 55 years. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY): PMSBY offers one year accidental death cum disability coverage for people who fall in the age group of 18821170 years of Rs 2 lakh at Rs 12 premium. The insured will get Rs 1 lakh in case of partial permanent disability. Multiple bank account holders are eligible to join the schemes through any one of the savings accounts. Atal Pension Yojana (APY): Atal Pension Yojana is for the people in the unorganized sector who are outside a formal pension so far. The pension scheme would allow subscribers of age 18 to 40. The government has promised to co8211contribute 50 of total contribution or Rs 1,000 per annum whichever is lower, for the first five years. Subscribers without any social security and who don39t pay income tax will get this added benefit. Capacity Building of Bank Mitras: As directed by IBA, all Corporate Business Correspondents have advised their Bank Mitras to undergo training at RSETTIs and appear for IIBF certificate examination Bank is having 1360 active Bank Mitras pertaining to various Corporate Business Correspondents who are regularly taking up transactions in the field. Of 1360 active Bank Mitras, 940 Bank Mitras have appeared for IIBF Certification exam and out of which 650 Bank Mitras have received certificate from IIBF. Bank has organized online examination for these 710 Bank Mitras on 22nd and 23rd December 2015 and for this exam 391 Bank Mitras has appeared and of which 375 Bank Mitras have qualified the exam. Bank have conducted offline examination on 29th December 2015 and for this 335 Bank Mitras have appeared and all have qualified. By this bank has completed 100 certification of active Bank Mitras. Technological Developments in Department: Our bank is the first bank to provide the facility of availing Over Draft facility from all our ATMs and also through SMS facility. Bank has provided the facility of enrolling SSS schemes in PoS machines available at Bank Mitras. Aadhaar seeding has been enabled in KIOSK technology. All Bank Mitra logins are enabled with Aadhaar Based logins. Enabled host to host facility for APBS. (Aadhaar Payment Bridge System) 15. SUBSIDIARIES amp REGIONAL RURAL BANKS The Bank has one Subsidiary, namely, Andhra Bank Financial Services Limited (ABFSL), which is wholly8211owned by the Bank. The Company has earned a profit of Rs. 153.23 Lacs before Income Tax and a Net Profit of Rs.103.53 Lacs after Income tax during the year ending 31.3.2016, with this the negative net worth of the company has been brought down from Rs. 915.99 Lacs to Rs. 812.47 Lacs as on 31.03.2016. Bank has one sponsored Regional Rural Bank namely Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank located in Guntur (Andhra Pradesh), covering the districts Guntur, East Godavari and West Godavari. As on 31.03.2016, the total business stood at Rs.5362.13 Crore 16.VISITS OF PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES During the financial year 2015821116 the bank has participated hosted the following parliamentary committees: The parliamentary Committee on Standing committee on social Justice and Empowerment headed by Shri Ramesh Bais, Hon39ble Chairman had undertaken a study tour programme on 11th amp 12th June,2015 at Hyderabad. The committee reviewed reservation for and employment of SCSTOBCDifferently abled persons and Minorities at various levels of posts in Andhra Bank as on 31.03.2015. The committee consists of Hon39ble MPs of both Loksabha and Rajya sabha and our bank was the nodal agency for organization of study tour programme at Hyderabad. Bank also took part in Parliamentary committee Meetings on Human Resource Development, National Commission for Safai Karmacharis on the issue of safai karmacharis Group8211D employees and complied to their directions. 17. SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS High priority was accorded to up8211grade security arrangements at branches, currency chests and ATMs. Installation of Integrated burglar alarm system (IBAS)at branches is in progress. Embedment of safes in non8211strong room branches has been commenced and is in final stage of completion. Establishment of e8211surveillance of ATMs has commenced. Efforts are on to enhance security measures and minimize crime rate against our Bank. The NRI Cell was set up with a view to serve as an effective channel of communication between the Bank and its NRI Clientele thereby increasing NRE Deposits. The Cell supports and guides Representative Offices in Dubai amp USA thereby ensuring betterment in Customer Service. Besides marketing Bank products, NRI Cell provides useful information related to Banking amp Foreign Exchange to NRIs through NRI Bulletin (AB Connect) every month. At present nearly 30260 NRI Customers (both existing and prospective) are being connected and accessing the information provided in the NRI Bulletin (AB Connect). Total NRI business of the Bank increased from Rs.2082 Crore as on 31.03.2015 to Rs.2,505 Crore as on 31.03.2016, i. e. a growth rate of 20.32. The total Deposits under NRE segment comprising of SBNRE, TD NRE and FCNR (B) Deposits increased from Rs.1,839 Crore as on 31.03.2015 to Rs.2240 Crore as on 31.03.2016 registering an annual growth rate of 21.81. 19. BRANDING AND COMMUNICATIONS The department has been instrumental in designing the visibility concepts for the Branch Transformation under the Navshakti Project. The brand transformation at these branches have been much appreciated by the Customers and the Peer Banks and branded 1000th Navshakti branch which was opened in March, 2016. The Department has conducted and event Managed Foundation Day Celebrations from November 23rd to November 28th 2015. During this Foundation Day Week multiple activities like health camps, blood donation, tree plantation and CSR activities were conducted at Head Office, Circle Office and at Zonal Offices PAN India. As part of these celebrations the Bank has conducted Dhanyawaad in all India Customer Meet on a single day to meet and greet the customers. An exclusive program was conducted at Machilipatnam, the birth place of our Founder which was attended by Central Vigilance Commissioner and participated by a large section of customers and well wishers. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Bank has spent an amount of Rs. 128.48 lakhs for multiple CSR activities and gained substantial mileage among Organizations Institutions and Governments and the brand image of the Bank also has enhanced. The donation budget has been distributed across the country with an objective of spreading CSR activities PAN India. Activities supported by the Bank during the last year included Skill development, donation of ambulanceSchool bus battery operated cars, installation of water pumps, up gradation of medical facilities, construction of old age homes amongst others. 20. BANK39S WEB SITE The Bank maintains its website andhrabank. in in three languages, viz. English, Hindi and Telugu for providing information about the Bank, its services and products offered. This website is facilitating visitors to interact with Bank in the form of inquiry, feedback, grievance, thereby paving the way for availing its services. The interest rates on various products offered by the Bank are being updated on continuous basis. Information relating to Online services like Internet Banking, utility payments, Tax payment and other online services are made available on the website. The Bank has made its WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) website accessible to 39visually impaired persons39, as per Government of India guidelines. The Bank has put new online module for displaying Inoperative accounts as per RBI guidelines and is being updated monthly. During the year 2015821116, the bank has revamped the website to improve the look and feel and to improve the connect with customers. The Bank being the Convener of State Level Bankers39 Committee, Andhra Pradesh, maintains separate website slbcap. nic. in This website communicates all the proceedings of SLBC Meetings, State Government directives, instructions to Bankers and public. The Bank follows meticulously CERT8211In (Indian Computer Emergency Response Team) guidelines issued from time to time in maintaining Bank39s Website securely. 21. AWARDS AND REWARDS Bank Stood first among all PSUs under percentage wise achievement of target under APY Phase8211I and Phase 8211II and received accolades from Ministry of Finance Government of India Our Bank received Award of Excellence for empowering MSMEs by Federation of Industry Trade and Services (FITS). Bank received best performance award from PFRDA on 04.02.2016 among all public sector banks. Bank received IDRBT Banking Technology Excellence Award for the year 2014821115 for 39Use of Technology in Financial Inclusion39 among Medium sized Banks. Citation presented by CNBC TV18 for Outstanding Contribution made by Bank in implementation of Financial Inclusion. Bank has received 39Award of Excellence39 in a mega function RSETI DIWAS 2015 in recognition of exceptional contribution to RSETI movement in the country for the year 2013821114 by MoRD, Govt. of India Bank received award from Ms. Infosys Technology under the category of best bank for implementation of e8211KYC 22.CHANGES IN THE BOARD DURING THE YEAR The following changes took place in the Composition of the Board during the FY 2015821116: Shri C. VR. Rajendran, Chairman amp Managing Director retired on superannuation on 30.04.2015. Shri S. K. Kalra, Executive Director was entrusted with Additional Charge of Managing Director amp CEO w. e.f 15.05.2015 to 01.11.2015 Shri Suresh N. Patel joined the Board as Managing Director amp CEO on 02.11.2015. 23. DIRECTORS39 RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The Board of Directors hereby states that, The applicable accounting standards have been followed in the preparation of the annual accounts and proper explanations have been furnished, relating to material departures. Accounting policies have been selected and applied consistently, reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates have been made so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Bank as at 31.03.2016 and of the profit and loss of the Bank for the financial year ended on 31.03.2016. Proper and sufficient care has been taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the relevant regulatory provisions for safeguarding the assets of the Bank and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities. The annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. Internal Financial controls to be followed by the Bank have been laid down and such internal financial controls are adequate and are operating effectively. Proper systems have been devised to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and such systems are adequate and operating effectively. Andhra Bank is grateful to the Government of India, RBI, SEBI and other authoritiesagencies, Financial Institutions and Correspondent Banks for their valuable support and guidance. The Directors also express their deep sense of appreciation to all the staff members of the Bank for their dedicated service, outstanding professionalism and commitment towards Bank39s vision for a sustainable growth. Finally, the Directors wish to sincerely thank all the customers, shareholders and other stakeholders for their valuable support. For and on behalf of the Board, Managing Director amp CEO


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